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Surprising Science

Cars that Read Texts Aloud as you Drive

Ford is installing a feature in its new vehicles—and many of its older ones—that uses its voice-activated technology to read text messages out loud.
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What’s the Latest Development?

Ford is installing a feature in its new vehicles—and many of its older ones—that can read text messages out loud. Aimed at reducing texting while driving, the feature is part of Ford’s voice-activated technology, Sync, and already installed on all model 2012 Ford vehicles except the Ranger. Research shows that texting while driving increases the risk of a truck getting into an accident by more than 23 times.

What’s the Big Idea?

In an age when most car companies have a Bluetooth integration features, why isn’t text-to-voice already a standard option? One factor is that not many phones integrate with text-to-speech features like Ford’s. But the prediction is that soon it will catch on, just like a couple of years ago Bluetooth devices made hands-free cell use possible in cars but few phones supported it, but now it is standard.

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The federal government is asking automakers to stop creating in-car devices that can distract drivers from the road. Auto companies such as Audi, Cadillac, Nissan and Ford are among the many that have been including electronic devices with features for drivers to play around with, and now Facebook and Twitter are accessible features.
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