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Surprising Science

Google’s Next Big Search: How And Why We Age

The company has announced the launch of Calico, which will most likely take advantage of Google’s formidable search tools to help put more focus on aging and related diseases.
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What’s the Latest Development?

Google’s newest project involves a subject that affects most people sooner or later: The company has announced the formation of a spinoff, Calico, that will focus on finding solutions for issues surrounding aging and illness. Although details are few, it’s expected that Calico will take advantage of Google’s massive databases to provide new insights into, among other things, extending human lifespans. It will be led by Arthur Levinson, who used to head up Genentech, a corporation considered by many to be a pioneer in the biotechnology industry.

What’s the Big Idea?

It’s the first time Google has created a completely separate company designed to accomplish a particular set of goals; up until now some of its other projects, such as Google Glass, have come out of Google X, an internal research division. CEO Larry Page says that Calico is just one more example of his company’s forward-thinking, expansive philosophy: “In some industries, it takes ten or 20 years to go from an idea to something being real. Healthcare is certainly one of those areas…Maybe we should shoot for the things that are really, really important so ten or 20 years from now we have those things done.”

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