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Surprising Science

More Chances to be a Part of the Filming for Season 2 of Sci Fi Science

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I would like to thank all the people who showed up on Thursday in New York to be part of filming Sci Fi Science, second season.

We filmed two episodes of the program (about how to terraform Mars, and how to colonize the Milky Way galaxy) and the audience reaction was great. We had a wonderful reaction from the crowd when we unveiled the animation for how we plan to solve these two important problems.

Many of the audience showed up in their favorite Star Wars, Star Trek, or science fiction costumes, which made the filming a lot of fun and very colorful. We still have 10 more episodes to go.

If you want to see how you can win an invitation to take part in filming for the program, then go to and they will show you how you can be part of the audience. (You have to sign a permission form, since your image will be broadcast world wide, with many different subtitles in different languages, over the Discovery/Science Channel.)

Next, we will be filming at the science fiction convention in Boston around April 10th – 12th.

Good Luck!

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