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Surprising Science

Robots Who Battle Genetic Disease

When you consider that the first human genome was completed a decade ago for billions of dollars, D.N.A. sequencing has come a long way, fast. Now robots sequence genes for less.
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One California company is automating the gene sequencing process in hopes of making it easier to find mutations that predispose individuals to certain diseases. “Complete Genomics, a start-up in Mountain View, California, is already the world’s largest human genome sequencing factory. In a room half the size of a tennis court sit 16 robots that sequenced the genomes of 800 people last year. Going full tilt, they can now churn out 400 genomes a month. The current price, offered to researchers and pharma companies but not yet to private individuals, is $9,500 per genome; place an order for 1000 or more, and it drops to $5,500.”

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