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Social Media Transforming Health Care

The South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas is hosting its first ever health conference. Experts will converge to discuss how social media is transforming the health care industry.
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The South by Southwest festival will host expert panels on health care this year: “One panel will discuss whether or not physicians should use Facebook, while another will address the emotional impact of Twitter and other social media. A discussion dubbed ‘Geekfit: How to Embrace Technology and Healthy Lifestyles’ will explore the long-term health risks of digital media obsession and long hours working in front of a computer. ‘Social Health: Who Wants to ‘Like’ Hemorrhoid Cream?’ will discuss Big Pharma’s aim to move into social media. Mitch Rothschild, CEO of Vitals, a US-based matching service that links patients with their ideal doctors, will present his company’s approach to digitizing the patient-physician relationship.”

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