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Study Indicates Cognitive Behavior Treatment Key in Combating Phobias

Studies show fear of flying, spiders, public speaking or even an obsessive compulsive disorder, along with many more phobias and anxieties can be combated by Cognitive-Behavioral therapy.
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Article written by guest writer Rin Mitchell

What’s the Latest Development?

After about a decade of research by the University of Houston, studies show that Cognitive Behavior Treatment (CBT) works to alleviate such phobias as fear of spiders, fear of flying, public speaking, as well as anxiety disorders etc. In addition to the CBT, other treatments like transdiagnostic treatment and other types of anxiety treatments were used simultaneously. CBT is a treatment that involves a “specific time frame and goals” set for a patient to overcome their disorder and/or phobia. It helps patients “understand the thoughts and feelings that influence behaviors to be the most effective treatment.” 

What’s the Big Idea? 

Scientists have come up with what seems to be an effective way for therapists and psychologists to deal with patients suffering from phobias and different types of anxiety. The ten-year extensive studies are “to guide further development and interventions for how clinical psychologists, therapists and social workers treat people with anxiety disorders. The data collected will be useful for people out on the front lines to effectively and efficiently treat people to reduce anxiety disorders.”

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