job automation
Here’s why coding skills alone won’t save you from job automation.
7 min
A.I. will bring a series of social and financial changes, and it will force us to confront a problem we’ve been avoiding for much too long, says Joscha Bach.
5 min
The most make-or-break aspect of job automation? How policy makers handle your transition into a new career.
9 min
Everything is cheap and nobody has jobs. Welcome to the future. President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas fills us in on how we got here.
10 min
Job automation will need to strike a delicate balance — we want enough to make our lives more comfortable, but no more than that.rn
3 min
What did Nikola Tesla or Bertrand Russell think of fewer working hours? Can a good life only come from work — and if so how much of it, and what kind?
Universal Basic Income an expensive system to be sure, but social justice commentator Eva Cox argues that the societal returns will be worth the investment.
Louise Tarrant argues less work is not weakness, but a sign of prosperity and a necessity to the coming automation.
“No government is prepared,” The Economist reports.
People like Thomas More, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and Bertrand Russell have already had many of the arguments we’re having about basic income today.
Dr. Elise Klein wants to point out the conversations we’re having around Universal Basic Income (UBI) aren’t new. Great leaders and thinkers Thomas Paine, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and Tony Atkinson have already had many of the arguments surrounding UBI, today. Its history bears repeating.
It’s time we talked about working less. While some argue that we shorten the working week, others favor cutting out pointless, time-filler jobs altogether.