Journaling helped Marcus Aurelius cultivate the emotional intelligence necessary to steer Rome through turbulent times.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
Though Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” is a classic military treatise, its advice applies to all manner of conflict.
The acceptance of our cosmic loneliness and the rarity of our planet is a wakeup call.
From consciousness to nothingness and beyond, these questions still baffle the brightest minds. Will they ever be solved?
The Universe is grand, awe-inspiring, and greater than we likely imagine. Even astrophysicists get anxious thinking about it, but we cope.
Science isn’t synonymous with technology; it’s about a way of thinking.
The multi-leveled constructions of metaphysics are the collective workings of a fantastical virtuality. Did you get that?
The biggest lingering question about GPT-4 isn’t if it’s going to destroy jobs or take over the world. Instead, it is this: Do we trust AI programmers to tell society what is true?
Humanity can avoid catastrophe — if we look beyond our blinkered present.
The multiverse is an idea that has gained a lot of traction in popular culture. But what does science have to say about it?
We bring multifaceted selves to our interactions, and in these interactions co-create each other again and again.
The utilitarian “greatest happiness principle” has remained popular for two centuries — is it time for a rethink?
That scary swirling void from which nothing can escape is our perfect universal translation tool.
Not everything that claims to be “scientific” actually is. There are five features of scientifically rigorous studies.
Humiliating powerful people was not a key to success.
Theory without experiment is blind, and experiment without theory is lame.
Yoga is more than just standing on your head. It’s about uniting with the divine.
Albert Camus was a Franco-Algerian philosopher with some great insights on the meaning of life, why you should look to this life and not the next, and why suicide is a poor choice.
The simulation hypothesis is fun to talk about, but believing it requires an act of faith.
How can you fit a camel through a needle?
Science cannot help us understand or describe first-person experience. Zen koans are a powerful form for helping us reach that description.
Social media has made yelling past each other all the easier.
Virtually anyone can now create convincing deepfakes. That doesn’t mean you should.
Are anti-workers the lazy children of privilege or the brave vanguard of a utopic upheaval?
“The Tao of the wise is to work without effort.”
About 1 in 5 adults now say they have no religious affiliation, up from 1 in 50 in 1960.
For Nietzsche, a great work of art can either veil the horror of reality or – better yet – help us face it.