A new 20-year analysis of over 14,000 psychology studies finds that a study’s media coverage is negatively linked to its replicability.
Research suggests that emotional intelligence is more vital for success than IQ.
Astronomer Michelle Thaller explains the healing power of physics after losing her husband.
7 min
We are traveling in a realm that once exclusively belonged to the gods. Space travel will force humanity to rethink everything.
Forgetfulness isn’t always a “glitch” in our memories; it can be a tool to help us make sense of the present and plan for the future.
“We suffer more often in the imagination than in reality.”
Chloé Valdary shares the ancient Stoic principle that can defeat modern despair.
7 min
Some experiences continue to pay dividends time and time again.
These money experts say you can buy happiness. There are some red flags to look out for, though.
7 min
Radical Emotional Acceptance calls on you to celebrate all of life’s emotions — even the negative ones.
Researchers watched for signs of withdrawal — but didn’t find any.
“It is more human to laugh at life than to lament it.”
Personal finance advice is often over-simplified and fails to consider economic research or people’s unique circumstances.
Evil is easy to identify and fight against; not so with stupidity.
Warm relationships protect your mind and body from the slings and arrows of life.
Sniffing out a deal.
These 5 research-backed tips can turn bad habits into financial gain.
It is estimated that as many as 488 million people worldwide were exposed to dangerously long working hours in 2016.
Addicted to spending money you want to save? Here’s how to stop.
7 min
When we don’t find ways to relieve chronic stress, personal burnout is the likely consequence.
Has the “age of psychopharmacology” shrunk society’s sense of responsibility for mental health?
It may be possible to give people the tools to withstand difficulty before it attaches to them.
Creative people are better able to engage brain systems that don’t typically work together.
“For every PhD there is an equal and opposite PhD.”
The best-laid plans of mice and everyone else.
How do we deal with information overload and unlock creativity? Build a second brain.
6 min
There are four money personality types. Which are you?
And it’s much, much less expensive.
Financial experts explain 4 types of money behavior.
6 min