Are Employees Who Work From Home More Productive Than Those in Offices?

William Craig has an interesting piece up on Forbes detailing the benefits of telecommuting. In it, he discusses how working from home has risen in popularity and why it’s likely to become more of a norm in the near future. He also explains that, despite common apprehensions about telecommuting, studies show that folks who work at home get more done than those who languish away in offices.
That said, telecommuting isn’t for everyone. It requires a level of discipline and self-awareness that some people just don’t have, though developing good habits isn’t beyond reason. Craig offers a few suggestions. First, know when to give in to distractions. Our brains thrive when we’re able to be creative. Our workflow, on the other hand, can slow down if we’re being a little too creative with our time. As with most elements of telecommuting, the key is in finding the balance:
“You have the means to allow yourself minor distractions, whether it’s taking a walk around the block to clear your head or spending some time each day playing with your cat. Indulging in these distractions once in a while might actually work in your favor.”
Craig’s other tips are cut from a similar cloth — embrace freedom, impose discipline. Know that working from home doesn’t mean you’re suddenly available to do other things. Discover your boundaries and develop good habits. And get used to being your own supervisor, because no one else will be around to monitor you. As Craig suggests, telecommuting is in the future for many industries. It’s best to start practicing now.
Read more at Forbes
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For an alternative perspective (and why the office won’t go out of style), here’s a clip from writer Clay Shirky’s Big Think interview: