Cars Should Be Big iPads, Says Intel

What’s the Latest Development?
“The car is the mobile device of the future,” says Intel’s Staci Palmer. With that in mind, the chipmaker has announced a $100 million fund to support investment in ‘connected cars’ over the next three to five years. Intel aims to improve the experience of driving by integrating mobile technologies into everything drivers do: get directions, play music, talk on the phone and even decorate the car (think digital fuzzy dice). The company also wants to make connections with manufacturers as digital innovation will drive future car sales.
What’s the Big Idea?
The average American spends two months of every year in his or her car, says Palmer. That means improving the driving experience could imply a lifestyle improvement. And even though that may be putting the cart before the horse, improvements to car software will likely take the place of hardware improvements when it comes to motivating sales. As car dashboards become more digital, for example, they will increasingly resemble the desktop of devices like the iPad. The automobile is about to experience its own digital revolution.
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