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Cost of Unis Snuggling Up to Business

The Guardian: For the LSE, in thrall to a dictator, Gaddafi was pure roast duck. The school’s association with Libya’s leader illustrates the predicament now facing all UK universities.
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Simon Jenkins: Pity the poor university. Told for 25 years to get into bed with big money, the London School of Economics found big money sometimes stinks. This week, as the Blairites bobbed and weaved their way out of the sleazy embrace of their friend, Gaddafi of Libya, someone forgot to tell the old school tie. The LSE thought it was helping the cause by giving Gaddafi’s son a dodgy PhD, for which it accepted a £1.5m “donation”. When the Blairites did a runner, the LSE was left looking like Bugs Moran’s gang after the St Valentine’s Day massacre.

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