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Facebook Ready to Test Solar-Powered Drone that Delivers Internet

Facebook has released information on the first full-scale drones designed to deliver Internet services to underserved populations across the globe that lack developed infrastructure.
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Facebook has released information on the first full-scale drones designed to deliver Internet services to underserved populations across the globe that lack developed infrastructure.

The solar-powered craft was designed by a U.K. firm and will be tested in the U.S. as soon as guidelines are created to help it fly safely, though no regulatory barriers are currently on the books.

With a wingspan of a Boeing 737, the drones will fly higher than commercial airlines at a height of between 60,000 and 90,000 feet, making them immune to weather. The Guardianpublished this video online:

Since they have no wheels to land or significant engine for lift, the drones will be carried into the atmosphere by a weather balloon, then stay airborne for months at a time, using solar energy to control their glide.

The technology is part of Facebook’s initiative that aims to bring new technology to ISPs and, perhaps eventually, will blanket the globe in a Wi-Fi signal.

The project is not without detractors, however, including the original creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. aims to deliver online services to two-thirds of the globe, but access is limited to a “walled-garden version” of the Internet.

Berners-Lee thinks platforms that don’t offer open web access represent a step backward from the democratizing power of the Internet. He told The Guardian:

In the particular case of somebody who’s offering … something which is branded Internet, it’s not Internet; then you just say no. No it isn’t free; no it isn’t in the public domain; there are other ways of reducing the price of Internet connectivity and giving something … [only] giving people data connectivity to part of the network deliberately, I think is a step backwards.

Read more at the BBC and The Guardian.

Photo credit: Facebook

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