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In Good Times and in Bad, Share

Avoid the trap of using social networks with eagerness to impress and sell. “We must simply tell our story, both the good and the bad.” Human stories resonate.
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What’s the Latest Development?

It is easy to inflate, or cover over the broken image of who we really are while using social networks, writes Geoff Talbot. Projecting a too-good-to-be-true image may produce short-terms gains, but eventually we can’t hide the truth of who we are. “It is those moments in life when we are caught off-guard—when we make a mistake or when we have to apologize—that really engage other people.”

What’s the Big Idea?

Talbot’s advice is:

  • Tweet about your accidents and mistakes. (Don’t have to over-do it, but show your humanity.)
  • Blog about your disappointments and failures. (Include what you learned or wished you had known beforehand.)
  • Ask for help. (Reach out for ideas, solutions, and moral support. Engage your social media audience… When they know you are sincere, 99.9% of people will do anything to help.)

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