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Most Likely To Order Takeout Late At Night? Art Students

It’s not the big party universities that order the most late-night takeout. A new study shows that smaller colleges in general and art schools in particular get the most grub.
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Article written by guest writer Kecia Lynn

What’s the Latest Development?

Which college students order late takeout the most? GrubHub, a restaurant aggregator service that simplifies ordering meals online, says it’s not the ones at the big state “party school” universities, but those at small private colleges in general and art schools in particular. They came to this conclusion after “[analyzing] food orders placed through their service, and [comparing] the percentage of orders between midnight and 2 a.m. on college campuses to the national average.” According to GrubHub, the students whose stomachs rumble the most late at night attend Chicago’s School of the Art Institute, Boston’s Babson College, and Atlanta’s Morehouse College, among other relatively small schools. Big schools, on the other hand, place some of the fewest after-midnight orders. These include Ohio State University and the University of Florida.

What’s the Big Idea?

Although there could be any number of reasons why these students order out more frequently, a check of the top late-night orderers showed that, unlike their larger counterparts, smaller colleges simply didn’t have many on-campus food options available late at night. There’s also the fact that kids whose parents can afford to send them to a pricier private college can probably afford to order out more often.

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