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Navigating a Leadership Transition Means Communicating Your Value

Mergers, promotions, retirements, acquisitions, firings: there are plenty of reasons why the names and faces above you on the organizational change might change. In each case, find where you fit in the new structure and make sure the new leadership notices.
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Leadership transitions are part of life. Whether it’s your job, your place of worship, or some other organization to which you contribute, there are always going to be firings, hirings, retirements, acquisitions, mergers, and general shakeups up above. When it’s your workplace there’s often an underlying worry about how the new chiefs will perceive you. It’s easy to become worrisome or paranoid. As Anne Fisher writes at Fortune, the key is to identify what value you bring to the organization in its new state and communicate it to your new boss. She interviews Teresa Taylor, a former telecommunications executive, who explains that the average person is bound to have 10 or more new bosses during their career. It’s therefore important to get into the practice of marketing your worth.

Taylor says to network with new leadership. There’s no point in being too political; just be friendly and communicate how you’re part of what works rather than what doesn’t. That means, at least early on, not focusing too much on problems and instead talking solutions. You won’t do well to be a voice of doom to your new boss. Remember: first impressions are everything. The best advice is to remain flexible. Sometimes new leadership means a workplace evolution that you don’t fit into. Sometimes it opens up an opportunity to rise up. Either way, it won’t hurt to sharpen your résumé.

Take a look at the full piece linked below for more advice on how to survive a management shakeup. 

Read more at Fortune.

Photo credit: Ollyy / Shutterstock

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