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New Cult Doc: Fall of the Republic

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A refreshingly non-mainstream media company, INFOWARS.COM, has released a new documentary in the tradition of other cult docs like Loose Change and Zeitgeist. The new film is called Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama and the arguments it makes are mostly of the ruling class, anti-establishment kind. Read on for a review.

On the upside, the documentary isn’t brain-dead, and its producer, Alex Jones, host of the INFOWARS radio program, isn’t afraid to press difficult, common sense questions that are (unfortunately) typically beneath television news organizations. The documentary goes after Obama’s personality cult, the prejudices of his financial advisors, and the future of the USD given such huge federal deficits.

The film takes a libertarian/anti-governmental position on most issues and is generally less partisan than the title suggests. Many of the policies the film is expressly skeptical of, such as the Federal Reserve system, America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia and our current imperialist war relate equally, if not more so, to the former Bush Administration. Fall of the Republic is no Fox News. It has an agenda independent of the Donkeys and Elephants.

On the downside, the documentary falls easily into hyperbole, taking politicians’ sound bites and extrapolating familiar end-of-the-world scenarios such as the intentional creation of a corporation-run World Government with ambitious social engineering plans.

The most disappointing element is the film’s inability to draw any line between beneficial government action and more nefarious plots. The film criticizes corporate influence over the government, but fails to account for those within the government who are equally critical.  

Al Gore, who often laments corporate lobbyists’ strength over the environmental movement, is the victim of some unfair video editing that implies he is a bumbler and a crook. The film refutes global warming, saying that CO2 reduction plans are a Malthusian trick to crash the economy and curtail our right to pollute the planet into its (our) grave.

Though some of the conclusions in Fall of the Republic are hastily reached, an open-eyed viewer can separate the wheat from the chaff, something that most news organizations no longer trust us to do.

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