Real Leaders Inspire, Guide, Give Hope

What’s the Latest Development?
Using the principles of SEAL training to forge better bosses. Former Navy SEAL and founder of the Leadership Under Fire series Rob Roy, a self-described “Hammer”, makes people’s lives miserable in the hopes of teaching them how to be a tougher—and better—manager. “We offer something that you are not going to get from reading a book,” says Roy. “Motivation is not leadership—real leaders inspire, guide and give hope.”
What’s the Big Idea?
Anybody can make a decision when everything is in their favor, but what happens in turbulent times? Roy teaches leaders, through intense experiences, that they can walk into any situation and come out ahead. “They’ll refer back to this time, and say, ‘Yeah, this is difficult, but I can make it through.’ You’re only limited to what your mind tells you you are, and…you can push beyond that. I’m a big believer in stretch goals—you have to push yourself way outside your comfort zone. If a person does 50 push-ups, we know he can do more.”