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Should You Open a Business?

It’s a brave new working world for recent college grads. Find out if entrepreneurship is a good option for you by weighing the pros and cons. 
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What’s the Latest Development?

Today’s economy is more uncertain than ever and it is driving many young people toward opening their own business. But trying to launch a start up just out of college carries some pros and cons, as Entrepreneur Magazine points out. Firstly, you really have to have the time and energy to commit to establishing a business. College has probably prepared most people to focus hard and cramming for exams late into the night will help to understand the workload required by opening a new business. 

What’s the Big Idea?

One difficulty for a recent college grad will be securing funding. Mark Zuckerberg had his friend contribute $20,000 to Facebook before he was able to secure funding from a venture capitalist. Another pro of starting a business just after school is that you are not yet jaded by corporate America. “Recent graduates have the mindset of ‘anything is possible’ and can take leaps of faith without worrying as much about hitting bottom. Remember to carry that initial spark into the years that follow the launch of your business.”

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