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Meet the ‘See Through’ Truck of the Future

Rear monitors on trucks, showing live footage of the road ahead, could significantly reduce overtaking mistakes.  
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Big trucks on two-lane roads are a big problem in many countries. Specifically, those countries with less-developed road infrastructure, where big parts of the territories are connected only with two-lane roads and trucks on those roads often cause queues of traffic and accidents due to improper overtaking of impatient drivers. In the Western Balkans, Azerbaijan, or in Argentina, for example, bad overtaking is one of the main reasons for accidents that occur on roads.

To address this problem, the Argentinian arm of the South Korean tech giant Samsung has introduced the Safety Truck. The Safety Truck is equipped with a built-in wireless camera (with night vision) in the front that sends live footage of the road to four outdoor monitors attached to the back of the truck. This allows drivers behind the truck to have the complete picture of the road ahead and make better judgments of whether it is safe to overtake. The system could also reduce accidents caused by animals on the road and sudden breaking.

So far, Samsung has built a prototype truck and confirmed that the technology works. The company is currently working together with safe-driving NGOs and the Argentinian government in order to perform the tests needed to comply with existing national protocols and obtain necessary permits and approvals.

Photo: SamsungTomorrow


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