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Start-up Depression: the Syndrome & the Stigma

The emotional rollercoaster ride that lies behind they hype of being a high tech start-up founder is seldom talked about. Success, not sadness, sells, but it’s not the whole story.
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What’s the Latest Development?

A discussion about depression in the technology and start-up community has been sparked by the death–seemingly by suicide–of a brilliant young founder. Tired of having to hype up their ‘success’ all the time, some entrepreneurs are speaking out about the rollercoaster they have to ride and extreme stress inherent in their work, and not just in their failures.

What’s the Big Idea?

One 25 year-old start-up founder says he’d be surprised to encounter a peer who “hadn’t been through depression.” As one angel investor says, those who take the risk to start a company are already rebelling against the easy path. A venture capitalist says a not too uncommon scenario is raising $1.5m but feeling terrified and worried everyone will discover you have no clue what you’re going to do.

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