The Rise and Fall of the Murdoch Empire

What’s the Latest Development?
Responding to congressional outcries, the F.B.I. has opened an investigation into the claim that News Corp.’s News of the World, a British tabloid, may have illegally tapped the phones of some 9/11 victims. The allegation was first leveled by the Daily Mirror, another British newspaper, who reported last week that News of the World journalists contacted a New York City police officer in order to retrieve the phone records of the those killed in the 2001 terrorist attacks. Members of Congress with constituents directly affected by 9/11 have been most vocal in calling for an investigation.
What’s the Big Idea?
Rupert Murdoch, the Australian-born media mogul, has set the course in the media world throughout much of his career. His empire owns newspapers across the globe, including the The Wall Street Journal and The Times of London, as well as the Fox Broadcasting Corporation. While News Corp. is based in the U.S., it is the British political class who have been accused of being too close to the company, allegedly needing to maintain their image in Murdoch’s media outlets. That relationship will be tested now that Murdoch has agreed to testify before the British Parliament. He will speak to the extent of his company’s involvement in the phone hacking scandal.