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Video Game Ethics

“Any gamer, or parent of a gamer, will know the feeling. There’s a boss that just can’t be defeated.” A gamer and father on whether discovering a game’s secrets online is cheating.
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“Any gamer, or parent of a gamer, will know the feeling. There’s a boss that just can’t be defeated.” A gamer and father on whether discovering a game’s secrets online is cheating: “The best games are neither so hard that they drive us mad, nor so easy that they fail to offer a challenge. But inevitably there are exceptions. What do you do then? Ask the internet, of course: many other gamers will have figured out what to do and posted the solution online. The answer is just a few clicks away. Purists say this is cheating. They argue that solving a puzzle yourself, as gamers had to in the old days, might have taken longer, but it was more satisfying.”


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