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What’s In YOUR Out-Of-Office Reply?

It may sound obvious, but security experts warn that as hacking technology becomes more sophisticated, employees should take care not to reveal too much when they’re away.
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What’s the Latest Development?

IT administrators who are charged with protecting the security of company networks now have one more thing to worry about: employees’ out-of-office messages. Common bits of information included in these notifications, including dates of absence, phone numbers, and even supervisors’ names, can be cobbled together to give a criminal the key to acquiring even more sensitive data. According to security expert Andy O’Donnell, “They could [use that information] and contact a department of that company claiming to be the supervisor of that person and they could get that person’s Social Security number if people aren’t thinking on their feet.”

What’s the Big Idea?

O’Donnell, who also runs the Network Security page on, says that when he sends a newsletter to his subscribers, “it will prompt an out-office-reply for a lot of people…They put a lot of their business in those replies when they don’t know who’s going to get them.” Among his suggestions for closing this potential security hole is this one to administrators: A clear policy that details what can and cannot be included in an out-of-office message.

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It’s plain to see that I’m an optimist, sometimes more than is socially comfortable. The ease with which I dismiss the disastrous economic decline above serves as one example of that. I wrote that the recession will benefit our political system, and, before I cut this line, as having “rewarded our company for methodical execution and ruthless efficiency by removing competitors from the landscape.” I make no mention of the disastrous effects on millions of people, and the great uncertainty that grips any well-briefed mind, because it truly doesn’t stand in the foreground of my mind (despite suffering personal loss of wealth). Our species is running towards a precipice with looming dangers like economic decline, political unrest, climate crisis, and more threatening to grip us as we jump off the edge, but my optimism is stronger now than ever before. On the other side of that looming gap are extraordinary breakthroughs in healthcare, communications technology, access to space, human productivity, artistic creation and literally hundreds of fields. With the right execution and a little bit of luck we’ll all live to see these breakthroughs — and members of my generation will live to see dramatically lengthened life-spans, exploration and colonization of space, and more opportunity than ever to work for passion instead of simply working for pay. Instead of taking this space to regale you with the many personal and focused changes I intend to make in 2009, let me rather encourage you to spend time this year thinking, as I’m going to, more about what we can do in 2009 to positively affect the future our culture will face in 2020, 2050, 3000 and beyond.
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