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Will Siri be your Perfect PA?

Apple’s new voice-driven artificial intelligence system, Siri—integrated into the company’s new iPhone—could be the biggest deployment of human-like AI the world has seen.
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What’s the Latest Development?

Is it just hype or is Apple’s new voice-driven artificial intelligence system, Siriintegrated into the company’s new iPhone—a life changer? Siri is aware of locations and can remind you of things in particular places and seems as close to a general-purpose virtual assistant as anybody has come. Reviews have been very strong.

What’s the Big Idea?

“It’s kind of like having the unpaid intern of my dreams at my beck and call, organizing my life for me,” Wired’s Brian Chen wrote. “I think Siri on the iPhone is a life changer, and this is only the beginning.” The difference between Siri and what came before is massive amounts of data that allowed both the construction of algorithms that decipher voice and a lot more situational awareness.

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