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An accomplished public official, economist and administrator, Enrique Peñalosa completed his three-year term as Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia on December 31, 2000. While mayor, Peñalosa was responsible for numerous radical[…]
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The former mayor of Bogotá and urban strategist describes his fondness for the East Village.

Question: What is your favorite part of New York?

Penalosa: Well, I love to ride my bicycle.  I have had a small apartment in New York, a very small apartment, and I will say that I go around my neighborhood by a bicycle.  I go through the village.  I go through the East Village. I go through China Town.  I like to go across the bridges by bicycle.  I love to take the beautiful Hudson River Park bicycle way and go all the way up to Riverside Park and then to all the way to Harlem to go riding around there, to ride around the city college campus up town and I don't know.

What is a particular place that I like?  Well, I like more of the area that I know more, which is all the area around the East Village and the -- all this area I enjoy.  There is a lot of life and a lot of people.  The Union Square area.

