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Who's in the Video
Lawrence H. Summers is an American economist. He is the Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus at Harvard University, where he became one of the university's youngest tenured[…]
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Larry Summers, Eric Schmidt, Skip Gates, Dean Kamen, Rahm Emanuel, Craig Venter and many other thought-leaders and innovators convened on Nantucket from September 30 to October 2, 2011. Those are some very big names on a small island, and if it all sounds rather exclusive, well, it was.

In this video, Larry Summers participates in a panel was stacked with financial heavyweights including Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google, Hedge Fund Manager Eddie Lampert, venture capitalist Stephen DeBerry and Mellody Hobson, President of Ariel Investments. The panel was moderated by Tom Stewart, Chief Knowledge Officer at Booz and Company.
