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Lisa Randall studies theoretical particle physics and cosmology at Harvard University. Her research connects theoretical insights to puzzles in our current understanding of the properties and interactions of matter. She[…]
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Restoring the Constitution, Randall says.

Lisa Randall:  Well I actually think that one of the issues really is restoring the Constitution. I think that should really . . . I mean all the issues we just talked about are important. But I really do think that in many ways we’re moving away from what made our country great. I think we’re . . . we’re losing a lot of the Constitutional rights that were there. And you know they’re sort of sneakily gone around. And I think really getting back to that and really restoring democracy. We’ve really . . . A lot of what we’ve seen in this last administration is a loss of checks and balances. There really hasn’t been any way to put the brakes on things, and people are too afraid to stop it. And somehow there has to be some more unifying course. And it’s not just one person running for president. There really have to be a bunch of people who stand behind that person who wants to make radical changes. Recorded On: 11/2/07
