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Words of Wisdom

Diamond Dallas Page on Being Different

“So whatever you’re trying to do, you need to remember that there will always be better than, less than and different than. That means whoever’s the best – in professional wrestling you might say Hulk Hogan. Everybody under him, less than. Except for the person or company that’s different than. That’s what DDP Yoga is. That’s what Diamond Dallas Page the wrestler was.” From his recent Big Think interview.
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“So whatever you’re trying to do, you need to remember that there will always be better than, less than and different than. That means whoever’s the best – in professional wrestling you might say Hulk Hogan. Everybody under him, less than. Except for the person or company that’s different than. That’s what DDP Yoga is. That’s what Diamond Dallas Page the wrestler was.”

– Pro Wrestler Diamond Dallas Page, from his recent Big Think interview:


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