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Calling all bloggers! – Leadership Day

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Many of our school leaders (principals, superintendents, central

office administrators) need help when it comes to digital


. A lot of help, to be honest. As I’ve noted again and

again on this blog, most school administrators don’t know

  • what it means to prepare students for the 21st century;
  • how to recognize, evaluate, and facilitate effective technology usage by
  • students and teachers;

  • what appropriate technology support structures (budget, staffing,
  • infrastructure) look like or how to implement them;

  • how to utilize modern technologies to facilitate communication with internal
  • and external stakeholders;

  • the ways in which learning technologies can improve student learning
  • outcomes;

  • how to utilize technology systems to make their organizations more efficient
  • and effective;

  • and so on…
  • Administrators’ lack of knowledge is not entirely their fault. Most of them

    didn’t grow up with these technologies. Many are not using digital tools on a

    regular basis. Few have received training from their employers or their

    university preparation programs on how to use, think about, or be a


    regarding digital technologies.

    So… let’s help them out. Wednesday, July 4, 2007 is American Independence Day

    and is as good a day as any to celebrate independent (and hopefully innovative)

    thinking and leadership. I hereby invite all edubloggers to blog

    about effective school technology leadership next Wednesday.

    Blog about whatever you like: successes, challenges, reflections, needs.

    Write a letter to the administrators in your area. Post a top 10 list. Make a

    podcast or a video. Highlight a local success or challenge. Recommend some

    readings. Do an interview of a successful K-12 technology leader. Respond to

    some of the questions below or make up your own. Whatever strikes you. Please

    tag your post with this Technorati tag:


    and/or link back to this post. If you don’t have a blog, comment on someone

    else’s post or send your thoughts to me and I’ll post ’em for you. I’ll do a

    summary afterward on what folks wrote and talked about.

    Please join us for this important day, because I promise you: if

    the leaders don’t get it, it isn’t going to happen



    Some prompts to spark your thinking

    • What do effective K-12 technology leaders do? What actions and behaviors can

    you point to that make them effective leaders in the area of technology?

  • Do administrators have to be technology-savvy themselves in order to be
  • effective technology leaders in their organizations?

  • What are some tangible, concrete, realistic steps that can be taken to move
  • administrators forward? Given the unrelenting pressures that they face and their

    ever-increasing time demands, what are some things that administrators can do to

    become more knowledgeable and skilled in the area of technology leadership?

  • Perhaps using the NETS-A as a
  • starting point, what are the absolutely critical skills or abilities that

    administrators need to be effective technology leaders?

  • What is a technology tool that would be extremely useful for a busy
  • administrator (i.e., one he / she probably isn’t using now)?

  • What should busy administrators be reading?
  • Sign up for Smart Faster newsletter
    The most counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful new stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday.


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