ROTW: Connectivity
The latest Report of the Week (ROTW) is actually
two reports, both related to Internet connectivity.
The first report, brought to my attention by David
, comes from the Communication Workers of
Matters: A Report on Internet Speeds in All 50 States
see the handy interactive
Here’s a quote from the report:
[C]ountries like Canada, Sweden, and South Korea have better, faster
Internet connections. People in Japan can download an entire movie in just two
minutes, but it can take two hours or more in the United States. Yet, people in
Japan pay the same as we do in the U.S. for their Internet connection. Not only
do they have the technology for higher speeds, but a larger percentage of people
in those countries have access to high speed connections. The United States has
fallen to 16th place behind other industrialized nations in high speed Internet
The second report, brought to my attention by Andy
, is from the Pew
Internet & American Life Project
Broadband Adoption 2007
Here’s a quote from the report:
Currently, 71% of adults use the internet at least occasionally from any
location; of these, 94% have an internet connection at home. Among adults with a
home internet connection, 70% go online using a high-speed connection, versus
23% who use dialup. . . . 27% of all adults do not use a computer at work,
school, home or elsewhere.
Happy reading!