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DABA: eduwonkette

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I was recently a

guest blogger for eduwonkette

. She’s pushing up against my guideline of

having a Technorati authority of less than 100, so I figure now is as good a

time as any to name her as the next recipient of the crimson


. For those of you who are unfamiliar with her, eduwonkette is the

pseudonym of an anonymous professor somewhere. I don’t know much about her other

than that she’s super fun to read because of her willingness to inject levity

and attitude into her blogging. This, of course, makes her blog one that

deserves a bigger audience (DABA). You’ll also see

that she often sparks fascinating discussions in her comment areas. If you’re

looking for a lighthearted, and yet somehow still serious, look at major policy

issues in education, eduwonkette’s a great bet.

Here are a few posts to get you started (see also her posts before she moved to

Education Week


a Small World After All

  • Social
  • Studies, Science, and NCLB

  • My
  • Value-Added Bucket List

  • Americans’
  • Attitudes on Inequality: A Teacher’s Dilemma

  • Professors
  • Strike Back?

  • The
  • NYC Teacher Experiment Revisited

  • Do
  • Schools Matter?

    Happy reading!

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    [I was supposed to post this last Friday. This is starting to become a troubling trend…] My next recipient of the crimson megaphone is Alice Mercer, a teacher in California. […]