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Guest Thinkers

We are squandering the gifts of the universe

Key Takeaways
  • Rise up
  • The potential of our success makes [others] face their own universe, so constricted by their small thoughts
  • We are the biggest obstacle
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Michael Port says…



With small thinking, we cannot grow – intellectually, spiritually, creatively, emotionally, financially. And when we cannot grow, society cannot grow. It cannot advance. It cannot develop. Small thinking is an ultimately autodestructive path. . . . The only reward of small thinking will be paid in the common currency of all small thinking – unaccomplished dreams. . . . No growth – not spiritual, emotional, professional, or social – is possible in this kind of environment. We are squandering the gifts of the universe. [The Think Big Manifesto, pp. 52–53]


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Michael Port says… Revolution is about one person at a time experiencing their own personal empowerment against an existing, deficient (small thinking) system. (p. 13) We are the biggest obstacle […]