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“Google Real-time”

Google will move to display results from social networking sites in its search pages in a bid to head off competition from younger rivals Facebook and Twitter.
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“Google has moved to head off some of the threat from young rivals such as Twitter and Facebook by announcing plans to prominently display results from social networking sites in its search pages. The new development, which the Californian technology giant dubs “real-time search”, aims to bring users more up-to-date information as they scour the web for information. Over the next few days, anybody searching online using Google will see their traditional search results augmented by a string of constantly updating messages drawn from social networks, news sites and blogs. The move is part of a wider push to make Google’s search index even faster and more up to date, as people increasingly use services like Twitter to transmit information about events as they happen. Google executive Amit Singhal said that with more information being put on the web every day, it was vital that the company learned how to give users the most relevant results – and as quickly as possible.”

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