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Culture & Religion

Is There Meaning Without Judgment?

Frank Furedi takes to task Tariq Ramadan, “who wants to bury the Enlightenment virtue of toleration and replace it with recognition.” Can we seek meaning without a capacity to judge?

Frank Furedi, author of the forthcoming “On Tolerance: A Defence of Moral Independence”, takes to task Tariq Ramadan, who wants to bury the Enlightenment virtue of toleration and replace it with recognition. “Although Ramadan’s book is presented as a spiritual meditation on the problems of existence, it is actually an eclectic mixture of current intellectual prejudices and old-fashioned appeals to revelation and dogma. …Ramadan’s rejection of tolerance is driven by hostility towards the idea of critical judgment. But how can a ‘Quest for Meaning’ proceed without a capacity to judge? …‘Avoiding Meaning’ would perhaps have been a better title for this book.”


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