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Freethink’s weekly countdown of the biggest space news, featuring Starship’s second test flight, a new “dark mysteries” telescope, and more.
True north, magnetic north, and grid north have aligned. There’s also a connection to James Bond.
After it became clear that the world wasn’t 6,000 years old, some proposed that northern peoples had emerged independently from others.
To this day, one cult believes that Lemuria was real, and that its people left us the sacred wisdom to revive their advanced civilization.
Boredom isn’t the enemy; it’s a catalyst for changing your relationship to work.
With launch, deployment, calibration, and science operations about to commence, here are 10 facts that are absolutely true.
These composers channeled the horror of the Holocaust and Hiroshima while honoring those who lived through it.
Previously, only the brightest and most active galaxies could pierce the obscuring wall of cosmic dust. At last, normal galaxies break through.
Deepfakes featuring your digital double could replace emails and zoom presentations.
Carnivorous plants fascinate as much now as when their gruesome diet was first discovered.
Astronomers possibly solve the mystery of how the enormous Oort cloud, with over 100 billion comet-like objects, was formed.
Is it true that half of disaster relief is motivated politically rather than by need?
In determining what qualifies as solid science, controversy is inevitable.
Presidential gravesites are spread out “democratically” — but this is more by accident than design.
“It doesn’t erase what happened to you. It just changes the impact it has on your life.”
The author of classics like “A Farewell to Arms” and “The Sun Also Rises” is known and loved for his simple yet effective writing style. Here’s how to imitate it.
One image can give over 100 times the data we now get from Hubble. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, revealed the previously unseen Universe. The most distant galaxy ever […]
And the one step we can take to show extraterrestrials we’re figuring it out. Every year, Earth’s meteor showers accomplish two important tasks. This composite photograph shows a large number of […]
Twain and Tesla had similar passions and an amusing friendship.
The Universe’s idea of a ‘typical star’ has changed dramatically over time. When you look out at the Universe today, you’re not seeing it exactly as it is at one particular […]
The unfamiliar landscape of America’s medical past is marked by bizarre incidents, forgotten breakthroughs and selfless sacrifice.
Infrared, visible, and ultraviolet combine to show us Jupiter’s features as never before. The largest planet in our Solar System, Jupiter, is our own ‘failed star.’ The best evidence-based classification scheme […]
Both views are equally spectacular, but unequally informative. Every so often, a creative amateur project highlights our professional achievements. This mosaic shows the region between the constellations of Cygnus and […]
Telescopes from the ground are bigger, but have to fight the atmosphere. Here’s how to win. In astronomy, seeing farther and fainter than ever before requires three simultaneous approaches. First light, […]
Price gouging is prohibited in 34 US states and Washington D.C. But two scholars ask whether that’s the way it should be.
Trump is #45 but Pence is #48 – and other strange consequences of the curious office of vice president.
The Sun produces a wide variety of particles and radiation throughout it, but all of its neutrinos are produced in the core: where nuclear reactions take place. The various reactions […]