It is easy to mock Nobel Laureates who go astray, but eccentricity often accompanies brilliance. We should have some sympathy.
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You searched for: James Watson
One award was for a medical procedure that incapacitated thousands of people.
Perhaps the most remarkable fact about the Universe is simply that it, and everything in it, exists. But what’s the reason why?
Are we really only a moment away from “The Singularity,” a technological epoch that will usher in a new era in human evolution?
The strangest thing about trying to predict the future is that our only clues lie in the past.
The most important events in history have nothing to do with politics or wars.
The pseudoscience phrenology swept the popular imagination, and its practitioners made a mint preying on prejudices, gullibility, and misinformation.
Walter Pitts rose from the streets to MIT, but couldn’t escape himself.
75 years after Erwin Schrödinger’s prescient description of something like DNA, we still don’t know the “laws of life.”
The ten greatest ideas in science form the bedrock of modern biology, chemistry, and physics. Everyone should be familiar with them.
Far from being a “dead” pursuit that focuses on old ideas, modern philosophy proposes and debates important, new concepts. All of us can learn from it.
The second in a three-part series on the history of research on the origin of life.
These photos of scientific heroes and accomplishments inspire awe and curiosity.
Scientists have identified an alternative DNA structure described as a “twisted knot” inside living human cells. They’re calling it the i-motif.
The Earth is warming, and humans aren’t doing nearly enough to combat it. Could partially blocking the sunlight be the solution? It’s 2020, and not only is the Earth warmer […]
A new paper in Nature adds urgency to the fight against climate change.
The most influential contemporary scientists and their accomplishments.
About twice the size of Earth, 503b orbits its own star every six days.
If emissions don’t go down, there’s still an option for combatting global warming. We just have to effectively dim the Sun. Global climate change is one of the most pressing long-term […]
Rosalind Franklin is most known for her role in first capturing the blueprint for life. Her efforts provided the evidence to deduce the double helix structure of DNA.
A scientific legend in his own time, James Watson was awarded the Nobel Prize for helping discover the structure of DNA. Tomorrow he will sell the medal for income at a Christie’s auction.
James Watson: If people had a longer life, human beings would progress more slowly.
Fast food workers staged a national protest in cities across the United States yesterday. Their employers may respond to the call for higher wages by speeding up the process to automate their jobs.
James Watson: I think we’re all in favor of being alive when we’re alive. And of course, it’s how you define being alive.
James Watson: Up until now, machines have made our lives a lot better. I don’t thing they’ve depersonalized us so far.
How desperate can a city facing financial armageddon get? What’s the last resort for cities such as Detroit, wounded first by the failing American auto industry and then set bleeding […]
“In the decade since the Human Genome Project wrapped up, scientists have had a surprising amount of difficulty transforming genetic knowledge into medical treatments.”
Neuroscientists at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have published the first set of data which they collected by examining thin slices of a mouse’s brain to create a 3D diagram.
This past weekend, I was in Springfield, Missouri for Skepticon V (“the fifth most annual Skepticon yet”). I had such a fantastic time at Skepticon IV in 2011, it was […]