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10 Tips: How to Stay Focused through the Coming Year

Be prepared for the fact that the upcoming year won’t be free of distractions and problems no matter how hard you work on your goals, but the most important thing is to stay within the routine you establish and don’t attach yourself to the results.
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We are wrapping up another year, so it’s time to review the 12 months that passed and start thinking of ways to improve ourselves and our lives in the year that comes. Many people make resolutions and they promise to realize them every New Year, but somehow those aspirations tend to fade away after the first few months. 

Don’t you wish to do things differently this time? The following practical tips will help you work on your habits that will help you stay focused on the aims you set. 

 1. You need daily rituals
No matter how spontaneous you want your life to be, sticking to daily routines is what will get those things of the list realized. You cannot have high levels of focus if you don’t follow a routine that will keep you within the boundaries of productiveness. Pay attention to your sleeping and eating patterns, plan some time for personal satisfaction and make sure to plan breaks that will give you more energy to tackle all daily challenges. 

 2. Visualize your goals
Creating a vision board will give you a great presentation of your dreams and goals, making them more real. You can add images, as well as souvenirs, articles, or quotes related to your great yearly goals. When you visualize your aims clearly, you will work harder towards their achievement. 

 3. Don’t set too many BIG goals
Your list has to contain one or two big goals that you plan to accomplish. Don’t set too many of these big goals, because you will overwhelm yourself and then end up disappointed, but don’t leave your list without any great expectations either. Check in on those goals every month and think about what you have done up to that point towards their realization. 

 4. Don’t leave things uncompleted
The only way to stay focused on your goals is to complete everything you start. Don’t give up on a task you have started, because that will weaken your mental strength and leave you with diminished self-confidence. Stay determined and always do your best to complete every single task you start. The success in life is guided by a simple rule – without doing your best, you won’t achieve the best possible outcome. 

 5. Give yourself some daily time alone
No matter how active life you have, you won’t get anywhere without spending some time with yourself and your thoughts. Constant involvement in social live wastes you and results in an inevitable burnout. If you are overly active, it’s only a matter of time when your body or/and mind will give up. Spend some time doing things you love – take long walks, listen to good music, read great books, meditate, do yoga, or whatever else that pleases and relaxes you. 

 6. Multitasking is good, but do it less!
Multitasking is sometimes a beneficial skill to master, but the truth is that you cannot accomplish your best at everything when doing more things at once. When you focus your brain on a single task, you will devote yourself fully to it and the outcome will be much better.

 7. Make daily to-do lists
Making daily to-do lists is a great strategy to train your brain to stay focused. When you end the day with all tasks crossed on the list, you will have a great feeling of accomplishment and you will be happy to repeat that every single day. Plan your goals by organizing your tasks into few categories and separating the things you need to do today, tomorrow, this week, and this month. Making to-do lists is also a great way to make priorities and keep your energy focused on the most important tasks. 

 8. Have goal buddies
When you have people with similar goals, you will support and motivate each other to stay focused on their achievement. Your “goal buddies” will remind you about the things you promised to achieve, and their success will push you to keep up. 

 9. Learn how to avoid distractions
You convince yourself that checking your e-mail, Facebook and Twitter every few minutes relaxes you, but the truth is that this bad habit is a huge distraction from the really important things. Make sure to complete every important task you have for the day before you allow yourself the luxury of spending time on Facebook. When you finish everything faster and more efficiently, you can reward yourself with virtual socializing. 

 10. Learn how to be focused on staying focused
Staying focused is a skill that’s really simple to explain: you concentrate your mind on a single thing and don’t allow it to be disturbed by anything else. Now try to do that and you will understand how this simple definition becomes almost impossible to achieve in practice. However, it’s not impossible; it just requires a lot of practice, commitment, and dedication. Your daily relaxation or meditation will help you free your mind of all distracting thoughts, and you will soon notice how you are getting better in controlling your habits and emotions and 
staying focused on your goals. 

Be prepared for the fact that the upcoming year won’t be free of distractions and problems no matter how hard you work on your goals, but the most important thing is to stay within the routine you establish and don’t attach yourself to the results.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

The post is written by Robert Morris, essayist from, company that provides help with academic research and custom writing service. Creates college student tips and tricks.

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