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Scientists have uncovered powerful evidence showing the connection between intelligence and madness, revealing that high-achievers are far more likely to be manic depressives.
One of the biggest criticisms of contemporary art is that it has no connection to the community. These works seemingly exist in a vacuum with no ties to the people […]
NASA has unveiled a prototype for a new kind of vehicle which could revolutionize the way we travel. The “Puffin” takes off like a helicopter, flies like a plane and sounds like a car.
Somalia’s al Shabeeb militant group has said it will join forces with al Qaeda in a drive to establish an Islamic state in the region and to support Muslims across East Africa.
A cat which has “predicted the deaths” of more than 50 residents of the nursing home where he lives (by sitting on their laps in their final hours), is the subject of a new book.
Single women eat salad because they use their food to signal their attractiveness to men, according to a scientist who observed 470 students at McMaster University, Ontario.
President Barack Obama has scrapped US plans to return astronauts to the moon. The plan forms part of a cost saving initiative designed to reduce the country’s fiscal deficit.
China has warned that its relationship with the US would suffer if American President Barack Obama were to agree to meet with exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama.
The remains of an aircraft bomb has been uncovered allegedly contradicting Israeli claims that it hadn’t attempted to bomb a flour mill in Gaza during the conflict last year.
Former Corporal Frank Buckles, the last surviving American veteran of World War I, has turned 109 today and is still hoping for a national memorial in Washington for his comrades.
A new study has revealed that people who have recently consumed a sugary drink are more successful at negotiating a pay rise that those who do so on an empty stomach.
Despite it being US military practise to have a psychologist present during torture to “protect the victim”, experts argue there is “no role for mental health professionals” in such situations.
The ten US Baptists who were arrested trying to take 33 children out of Haiti say they were “just trying to do the right thing” despite having no legal documentation to do so.
Audience members present at its launch have noticed something missing from Steve Jobs’ latest Apple offering – apparently the iPad touch screen notebook won’t play flash video.
President Barack Obama will propose a $3.8tr budget for fiscal 2011 that foresees the deficit hitting a record $1.6tr in the current fiscal year but falling by about 4% by 2013.
The results of DNA tests made on the world’s most famous Egyptian king, Pharaoh Tutankhamun, will soon be published, revealing answers to mysteries about his lineage.
Despite recasting itself as a green energy alternative, nuclear power is still mistrusted by many due to recent leaks of radioactive material at more than 20 US nuclear plants.
The old religion of Voodoo is rising from the rubble in Haiti as, in the aftermath of one of the world’s worst earthquakes, priests and missionaries compete for the souls of the survivors.
Cornell University recently released a study that highlighted a strange twist in the mostly symbiotic relationship between fig trees and fig wasps. The story usually goes like this: wasp lays […]