A Fond Farewell: The Final Installment of Artful Choice

Today marks my last blog for Artful Choice. It has been an exciting year of writing about decisions small and big and the forces that help shape them and make them what they are—and Big Think has provided a truly wonderful home, a welcoming and vibrant platform for which I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you for your support and encouragement from the blog’s very beginning; I’ve learned so much from all of you and have benefitted greatly from the tremendous intellectual power of the entire Big Think network.
In the coming months, I’ll be working on completing my first book and will be writing a weekly column on literature and psychology, “Literally Psyched,” for Scientific American. I’m very excited for this new stage of my life and hope that you will continue to follow my writing—I’ll be sure to post new pieces and updates to Twitter, @mkonnikova, and once it is up and running, to my website, www.mariakonnikova.com (as of now, it’s still a work in progress, though you can already email me at maria [at] mariakonnikova [dot] com). And of course, I hope to continue to contribute however I can to the Big Think community. It is a remarkable place to be.
Thank you all for your thoughts, your stimulating commentary, and your support of my writing over the last year. Until soon, I hope!
Photo credit: From electricnude Flickr photostream, Creative Commons.