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Big Think Readers: You’re Invited to HCI’s Leadership Conference

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At Big Think,we take pride in helping you develop the leadership skills you need to succeed. It’s why we created Big Think+, our unique online learning platform, which features exclusive workshops by major experts, including Nobel Laureates, CEOs, and critically acclaimed artists. And it’s why we’ve partnered with the Human Capital Institute to take part in the 2014 Learning and Leadership Development Conference.

At the conference, dynamic speakers ranging from Edith Cooper, Global Head of Human Capital Management at Goldman Sachs, to Zipcar President Kaye Ceille, will share their expertise on key topics affecting corporate leaders at all levels, including change management, leading a diverse workforce, and successfully leveraging the social economy.

The conference runs from September 8-10 in Boston, and a regular two-day ticket is $1,695. As a Big Think reader, you can use the discount code BigThink995 to receive a two-day pass at the special rate of $995.

The reasons to take advantage of the invitation are clear. As Big Think featured expert Jennifer Brown explains, managers need to learn how to be sensitive to and benefit from the talent of an increasingly diverse workforce. Executives today must also master the skills of flex leadership, as another thought leader, Jane Hyun, recently discussed with Big Think.

Never before has leadership required such a nimble balancing act. By attending HCI’s conference, you’ll gain access to the best strategies and latest insights into leadership development. Register today to meet speakers from Harvard Business School as well as Novo Nordisk, Goldman Sachs, Estee Lauder, and other leading organizations. 

Like Big Think, HCI provides you with the resources you and your company need to excel today. Attending the Human Capital Institute’s Learning and Leadership Development Conference and signing up for Big Think+ will help you learn what it takes to meet the needs of tomorrow.

Image credit: Shutterstock

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