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Free Your Mind (and Your Body Will Follow)

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I just returned from spending a weekend with my friend Peter Ragnar at his farm in Kentucky. Peter is a modern-day Shaman, Taoist wizard, natural life scientist, and “self-master” par excellence. He claims to be a senior citizen, but refuses to give away his age because he “doesn’t believe in it.”

In this short clip from a longer interview he and I did over Skype several weeks ago, he describes a remarkable metaphysical intervention that occurred during one of his strength workouts in his gym the day before our discussion. Events like this are common in the life of the remarkable Peter Ragnar. Peter’s philosophy, like that of all true mystics, is based upon a different relationship with the mind. In this short interchange, he explains how and why a liberated relationship with the mind can be the door to our own infinite potential. Watch below:

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Image: © ivan kmit –

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