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How to Reach Your Potential

Success is not about meeting someone else’s definition, but reaching your potential by defining success in your own terms. 
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Harvard Business School’s Robert Steven Kaplan, leadership expert and author of the highly successful book, What to Ask the Person in the Mirror, regularly advises executives and students on how to tackle these questions. In his indispensable new book, What You’re Really Meant to Do: A Roadmap for Reaching Your Unique Potential, Kaplan shares a specific and actionable approach to defining your own success and reaching your potential.  

In a series of videos on this blog, Kaplan will be sharing key insights from this book. 

In the video below, Kaplan explains how success is not about meeting someone else’s definition, but reaching your potential by defining it on your own terms. 

Watch the video here:

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

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