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Open Thread: Introduce Yourself!

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You may have noticed that, according to the counter on the sidebar, I just passed 100 posts on Big Think this week. This is a milestone, but I hope it’s the first of many to come.

I think things have settled down considerably since I first moved here last October. The mix of commenters here is different than on my old site (though there are plenty of old-timers who are still around – you know who you are!), but a new community is definitely taking root.

I’m interested in learning some more about the people who read this site, so here’s an open thread. If you’re so inclined, tell us about yourself! How old are you, where do you live, what do you do? If you’re an atheist, how did you become an atheist? What’s a nice person like you doing on a blog like this?

Image credit: Shutterstock

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