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Parenting Outside of the Comfort Zone

There is a way for parents to prepare themselves for the differences their children will manifest, and ultimately develop empathy, which is “the cornerstone of being a good parent.”
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Given that there is a lack of consensus about how to raise ordinary children, it is not surprising that we don’t know much about raising special children. So parenting in many ways is a crap shoot. 

Andrew Solomon makes this observation in his book Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity. However, Solomon also describes how there is a way for parents to prepare themselves for the differences their children will manifest, and ultimately develop empathy, which is “the cornerstone of being a good parent.”

The video below is part of a special series co-curated by Big Think and TEDMED featuring people with the audacity to imagine and create a better future in health and medicine.

Watch here:

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

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