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Sex, China, Mistress Culture

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THERE IS something I must tell you about China: It is rather morally creative in the usage of its women.

There isn’t a hotel, massage parlor, ktv, or conference hall in town that isn’t frequented by “little sisters” (xiaojie), escort personnel (baopo), hostesses (peinv), or other types of prostitutes (jinv).

There’s a name for any relationship a female plaything may fall into: Here are the “second wives” (er laopo), women [who may have family or kids but] who indulge in extramarital affairs with men, married or not. Then we have “the thirds” (disanzhe) who are casual love affairs only.

The queen of all female roles, however –in direct competition with the faithful “wife” (laopo)- is the “mistress” (qingren). The mistress, a femme fatal, not only embodies adventure and carnal pleasures, but is also the surest status symbol a man can wish for: She shows you have money!

Technically, only married men can have mistresses; otherwise, if the gentleman is single, we would refer to his female company –however many of them- as simple “girlfriends” (nvpengyou). The Chinese tradition of maintaining mistresses is based on what good Christians would refer to as adultery –a sin; yet in China it is mere custom –a habit.

Consequently, when Westerners first come to China, they are utterly perplexed by the strict division here between marriage, romance, and sex – for which, in Chinese thinking, of course (at least) three different types of women are required.

Xu Qiya, a Jiangsu party official, had clearly set a local record with 140 mistresses; we know because he kept a sex diary; but he isn’t an inventor: In fact, I have yet to meet a dulcet Chinese girl who has not been offered a gift from a married man at some time. At least, that’s what they told me.

Accepting any gift from a married man, whether it being a handbag, jewelry, a car, a trip to the beaches of Hainan, is the unspoken agreement of becoming the mistress of that benefactor. It is the lure and excitement of an extraordinary life-style –luxurious, free, illicit, and irresponsible – that drives ever more 20-somethings not to marry, or at least to postpone it until their bodies become less marketable.

Those entrepreneurial women, of course, fill the pool of potential future mistresses in China to the brim. If a woman is not married by the age of 26, she “expired” and is usually stigmatized as “leftover woman” (shengnv).

Now let us talk about the situation of the Chinese married man. Post-marital infidelity is encouraged in China just as pre-marital sex is encouraged in Europe. In comparison to the West, only very few wives in China will file for divorce upon discovery of her husband’s infidelity. It is rather sad.

In China, sex and power are a pair.Xinhua News, a state media, recently found that 95% of all corrupt officials in China also kept mistresses. And Tom Doctoroff, an economist, estimates that second wives probably account for one third of China’s entire consumption of luxury goods.

Let us talk about China’s capital -Beijing: From top to bottom, it isn’t a place for connubial happiness: It’s a very patriarchal society (there is mistress culture, but no such things as mister culture), and some of the most powerful men, including the Communist Party of China, create and procreate here, trailed by legions of businessmen, scholars, diplomats, and entrepreneurs, who mostly see no problem in renting a maid for warming their pillows.

In fact, Business Insider, the magazine, quoted a vice-ministerial-level official who insisted that “there is no official at his level who doesn’t have at least a few lovers.” It is a must-have.

The victim is the young woman of China: As her feelings for any particular man dwindles (they are all cheaters, no?), she, too, becomes emotionally detached, and regards being a mistress as a form of business, or transactions of favors –a form of consumerism.

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There are several grades of “maintaining” (baoyang) a mistress: The cheapest, of course, is to bed a university student… [CONTINUE HERE]

Image credit: Dcmaster/

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