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The Last Refuge Reviewed

Earlier today Bruce Riedel, writing for the Daily Beast, posted the first review of The Last Refuge.  His review opens like this:

Obama will have to face the growing menace of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the failing state in Yemen that it thrives on. The response must be nimble and careful because AQAP’s real goal is to drag America into another bleeding war in the Muslim world, this time hoping it will spread into the oil rich deserts of Saudi Arabia. Luckily, Gregory Johnsen has written the best new book on al Qaeda in 2012 and the best book on Yemen in years.

Riedel also hits on the nightmare scenario I sketched out a couple of days ago here at Waq al-waq, writing: “An attack in America that killed hundreds would force America to take on the challenge of rebuilding Yemen with our own hands, a final trap that would bled America’s military, our economy, and our morale.”

Read the rest at the Daily Beast’s website.


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