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The Signal is Out There. We Just Have to be Ready

“It’s not crazy,” Bill Nye tells us, that we could hear radio signals from other civilizations.
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Add two more planets to the small but growing list of candidates that might host intelligent life in the universe. Kepler-62 is a sun-like star some 12,000 light years away in the constellation Lyra. Within the Kepler-62 system are two planets that fall within the so-called “Goldilocks Zone,” or “the range of distance from a star where the surface temperature of an orbiting planet might be suitable for liquid water,” NASA reports

Of course, scientists do not know whether life does exist on these newfound planets or others, but according to Bill Nye, aka, the Science Guy, there is only one way to find out. We need to open our ears and listen. “It’s not crazy,” Nye tells us, that we could hear radio signals from other civilizations. “Perhaps there is another civilization not intentionally trying to get hold of us but sending out signals,” he says. 

Watch the video here:

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