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Who Are the Most Influential Scientists Today? Today’s Mind Memes

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1. The Topless Revolution Targets Putin 

“Putin leered like Benny Hill at a topless protester,” was the headline on The Reliable Source. Gawker has the video of Putin giving the thumb’s up. But here’s the essential read, from Big Think’s Andrea Chalupa, on FEMEN, the Ukranian feminist group that stages topless protests for women’s rights and gay rights: 

Topless Protesters, Tortured by KGB, Plan World Domination

2. Laser Camera Takes 3D Images from 1 Kilometer (0.621371192 Miles) Away

Using superconducting nanowires and lasers, a new camera system can produce high-resolution 3-D images of objects from up to a kilometer away.

Read more here

3. Tax Marijuana?

The state of Colorado has blazed the trail when it comes to marijuana policy in this country. The state has brought the drug above ground, and now the next step is to profit from it. A 40 percent tax has been proposed. If this moves forward, and other states see a highly effective revenue model in taxing marijuana, this idea could spread very quickly. 

Read more here

4. Will You Swab Your Cheek and Join?

At the time of this post, 580,770 people have participated in National Geographic’s Genographic Project that uses advanced DNA analysis to find out how we came to populate the Earth. 

Learn more here

5. Who Are the Most Influential Scientists Today?

Best College Reviews looked at some of the most significant accomplishments of the last year and produced the infographic below. It features a colorful group of scientists ranging from NASA’s Cynthia Rosenzweig who studies the effects of super storms on cities to Adam Steltzner, the rock n’ roller and engineer who led the team behind the landing of NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars to filmmaker and deep water explorer James Cameron to CERN director general Rolf-Dieter Heuer. 

The Most Influential Scientists of 2012
Source: Best College Reviews

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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