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Your Assistance Is Requested

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Help the secular community out! Two fellow bloggers have requests that some of you fine people may be able to fulfill:

Greta Christina is writing a new book about coming out of the closet, and she’s collecting stories about how you told other people that you were an atheist. If you’ve got one to tell, please read her guidelines for what she’s looking for and contribute!

• Also, over at Unequally Yoked, Leah is running a sequel to her ideological Turing test, and needs atheists to judge the entries posted so far. (If you’re not familiar with the concept, it entails a mix of atheists and Christians answering questions twice, once from their own viewpoint and once while masquerading as a member of the other group, and the judges are challenged to spot the fakers. Read my thoughts on the last one.) If you think you can tell the real atheists apart from the Christian pretenders, go read and cast your ballots.

Image credit: Hamed Saber, released under CC BY 2.0 license

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A weekly newsletter featuring the biggest ideas from the smartest people

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